We spe­cia­lize in pro­vi­ding and manu­fac­tu­ring PTFE pro­ducts. You can bene­fit from over 40 years expe­ri­ence in the industry.

Finis­hed and semi-finis­hed parts in PTFE and other high-per­for­mance fluor­po­ly­mers are our core competence.

High qua­lity pro­ducts are one of our top prio­ri­ties. We are cer­ti­fied by the ISO9001.

We are loo­king for­ward to your requests!


Your manu­fac­tu­ring spe­cia­list from Bavaria

When deal­ing with seal­ing rings, sli­ding bea­ring, seat rings and other PTFE parts, then we are here where we belong: with 15 spe­cia­lists, most modern auto­ma­tic lathes and CNC sta­ti­ons, we offer pre­cis­ion pro­ces­sing in PTFE. For com­pa­nies of the auto­mo­bile indus­try, the high-fre­quency sec­tor, the mechanical …

What can we do for you?


We accom­pany our cus­to­mers through pro­jects and assist them with con­s­truc­tion proposals.

Take advan­tage of our 40+ years expe­ri­ence in the field of PTFE.

◎    Lining
◎    Isolation
◎    Seals/Gaskets
◎    And more


Alpf­lon Foil – pre­mium modi­fied PTFE foil for wel­ding. We sup­ply glo­bally and imple­ment linings of e.g. gas/smoke chan­nels or flues.

Indus­tries and applications
of our customers:

Mecha­ni­cal and electromechanical

Elec­tro­nics and

Che­mi­cal industry





Pumps and compressors

ALPTEC and Numbers


years of expe­ri­ence with high-per­for­mance fluorpolymers.

lang­au­ges. We speak
Ger­man, Eng­lish, Ita­lian, Spa­nish, Croa­tian and… Bavarian!


sup­plies world­wide


 tur­ning machines
in our facility

Only qua­lity
is durable

With well estab­lished qua­lity pro­ces­ses we are able to meet and exceed the expec­ta­ti­ons and tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments of our customers.

Envi­ron­men­tal certificates

We strive for a eco friendly-environment

Only qua­lity
is durable

With well estab­lished qua­lity pro­ces­ses we are able to meet and exceed the expec­ta­ti­ons and tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments of our customers.

Envi­ron­men­tal certificates

We strive for a eco friendly-environment