
Only qua­lity is durable

We know which con­tri­bu­tion out PTFE parts pro­vide for the over­all solu­tion, even if it is a small one. Our per­spec­tive goes far bey­ond the inten­ded pur­pose: Then, it is a mat­ter of course to com­bine the high qua­lity demands of our cus­to­mers with the cur­rent envi­ron­men­tal directives.

The fol­lo­wing prin­ci­ples are deeply ancho­red in our company: 

  • Our objec­tive is the enthu­si­a­stic cus­to­mer. We offer pro­ducts and ser­vices at the hig­hest pos­si­ble qua­lity and ensure for error pre­ven­tion and the hig­hest degree of availability.
  • Every sin­gle employee is per­so­nally obli­ged to our qua­lity mea­su­res and envi­ron­men­tal gui­de­lines: we con­serve valuable resour­ces, deal with energy in a respon­si­ble man­ner and reduce emis­si­ons and the waste of our pro­duc­tion to a mini­mum (recei­ved cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons can be viewed under “Down­loads”).
  • Legal and other offi­cial requi­re­ments usually only meet out mini­mum cri­ter­ion. This is why we ori­en­tate our­sel­ves on the inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed envi­ron­men­tal standards.

Alptec GmbH has alre­ady been cer­ti­fied accor­ding to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV SÜD in 2017.

All of our sup­pli­ers are sel­ec­ted accor­ding to these cri­ter­ion and che­cked on a regu­lar basis.