
Vir­gin PTFE


Poly­te­traf­luo­roethy­lene (PTFE) is an unbran­ched linear struc­tu­red par­ti­ally crystal­line poly­mer made from fluo­rine and car­bon. Its most valuable properties:

  • inert, thus, it also remains che­mi­cally sta­ble when making cont­act with aggres­sive acids
  • extre­mely resistant against all bases, alco­hol, keto­nes, ben­zene and oils
  • frost resistant up to ‑270°C., can be used up to 260°C.
  • very low fric­tion coef­fi­ci­ent, sta­tic fric­tion is just as large as with sli­ding friction
  • there is almost no mate­rial that stays sti­cking to PTFE
  • non-flamma­ble
Extruded PTFE

PTFE Com­pounds

The addi­tion of a sui­ta­ble quan­tity of orga­nic, inor­ga­nic and mine­ral fil­lers can improve the pro­per­ties of PTFE and cus­to­mize it to meet spe­ci­fic requirements:

  • impro­ved wear resistance
  • hig­her che­mi­cal resistance
  • bet­ter ther­mal conductivity

Com­mon fil­lers are:

PTFE + 15% or 25% glass
PTFE + 25% carbon
PTFE + 15% Graphite
PTFE + 40% or 60% Bronze

other fil­lers are

PTFE + Aro­ma­tic Poly­es­ter (Eko­nol)
PTFE + Soft-Carbon
PTFE + Inox

We can also offer a cus­to­mi­zed mix­ture on request.


Modi­fied PTFE

The modi­fied mole­cu­lar struc­ture of modi­fied PTFE, while retai­ning the major cha­rac­te­ristics of vir­gin PTFE, signi­fi­cantly improves:

  • Defor­ma­tion
  • Welda­b­ility
  • Trans­pa­rency

Pig­men­ted PTFE

We can sup­ply PTFE with dif­fe­rent color pigments.
Send us your inquiry!



Alptec also manu­fac­tures pla­s­tics like POM (Poly­oxy­me­thy­len) for wide-ran­ging uni­ver­sal appli­ca­ti­ons in many dif­fe­rent industries.

PEEK or Poly­ether­ether­ke­tone is a semi-crystal­line orga­nic ther­mo­pla­s­tic poly­mer belon­ging to the polyaryl­ether­ke­tone (PAEK) family with a highly sta­ble che­mi­cal struc­ture that is used in engi­nee­ring appli­ca­ti­ons. Spe­cial com­pounds can be spe­ci­fi­cally deve­lo­ped tog­e­ther with cus­to­mers – feel free to ask.


AlpF­lon Foil/Tape

Alptec deve­lo­ped a pre­mium PTFE mate­rial which shows a modi­fied mole­cu­lar struc­ture with enhan­ced pro­per­ties over vir­gin PTFE. This foil/tape is weldable and per­fectly sui­ta­ble for high tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments such as lining of coal power plants or pro­tec­tion against acid gases.